Your Ultimate Track Day Checklist!

Daniel Kouznetsov
12 min readDec 22, 2020

Taking your pride and joy (yes, I mean your vehicle) to a track day is the ultimate way to test your vehicle’s limits as well as your own, as the driver. There are a lot fewer risks to test your vehicle on track compared to on a public road, and if you do run into some trouble, not only is there usually enough run-off space to limit contact with any walls, but there’s also an emergency crew always on standby if things go sour. This makes track days the ultimate go-to for any car enthusiast and something I always recommend. If I’ve convinced you already, it’s time to prep for that track day!

To start, you need to prepare your vehicle for the track day, (View our other post to vehicle prep). Once that’s done, and with the track day date looming, it’s time to get packing and prepared as the driver! You may be left scratching your head as to what to bring for a track day, especially if it’s your first one! The last thing you want is to forget something and not be able to enjoy yourself at the track at the highest potential, or you need to run back to grab that thing you forgot which costs you track time!

So below, I show you what you should bring to a track day that will make sure you have the…



Daniel Kouznetsov

Founder of All Things Horsepower (@allthingshorsepower on instagram), Co Founder of multiple E-Commerce stores, and a massive car enthusiast.